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The Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC) has launched an initiative titled Ending Cholera: A Global Roadmap to 2030 (Roadmap), with the objectives to reduce global cholera deaths by 90 percent and eliminate the disease in at least 20 countries by 2030.

Global strategy

Achieving the global objectives requires effective implementation at the country level via multi-sectoral cholera programs that align government and national actors, GTFCC partners and key stakeholders behind a shared strategy and common practices along three axes:

1- Ensuring early detection and response to contain outbreaks;

2- Adopting a multi-sectoral approach to prevent and control cholera in hotspots;

3- Establishing effective mechanisms of coordination for technical support, resource mobilization and collaboration at local and global level.

Multisectoral cholera control activities are organized around six pillars: (i) surveillance, (ii) case management, (iii) OCV, (iv) WASH, (v) community engagement (CE), and (vi) coordination; while the three axes lay out the dimensions by which these activities should be developed within the Ending Cholera Roadmap.



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